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How To Write First Blog Post: The Ultimate Guide For 2024

Have you ever started following some brands after reading blogs? You know how a well-written blog can create a positive image of the brand. 

Seeing how successful brands benefit from blogging, you’ve decided to start your own. But you don’t know where to begin and how to write your first blog post. 

It’s difficult to know exactly how to write first blog post when you’re a beginner. Getting your first blog wrong can be scary. It can lead to a chain of poorly written blogs. 

But whether you want to do blogging as a source of creativity or dive into the business aspect, I’ll help you create your first-ever blog post the right way.

Today, I’ll help you with:

  • What topic to select for the first blog?
  • What to write and what NOT to write?
  • How to structure the first blog post?
  • Tips for writing blog posts?
  • How to promote the first blog post?

Getting started is the most difficult part, but not anymore. Let’s see how you can create an attention-grabbing first blog post.

What not to write in the first blog post?

What not to write in your first blog post?
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Most of the content you’ll read will tell you to write about yourself in your first blog post. That doesn’t help on many levels:

  • Your blogs should address your audience’s problems/pain points—even the first blog post. Believe me, no one wants to read what made you choose that particular career or how you stumbled upon blogging. That doesn’t help them solve their problems.
  • Besides, you can share all that on your “About page,” which is all about you. Just share anything and everything you want there. People always check the About page when they’re curious to know about the author. 
  • A personal essay doesn’t land you any ranking on search engines. SEO wants helpful content for the audience. And because your life story isn’t beneficial to the audience, it won’t ever get ranked. Why waste your precious digital space for nothing?
  • Your “Hey, this is my story” is not what people search for. So, how will you get any eyeballs?

Now that you know it’s better to keep personal stories for the About page, let’s see what you should write in your first blog post. 

What should you write in your first blog post?

I’m sure you already have thought of a niche for your blog. Whether you’re blogging for experience or fun or want to monetize your blog, having a niche is imperative. 

If you’re not thinking of niching down and want to write about any topic that comes to your mind, that’s a recipe for failure. If you want to know why, read this article. 

Whatever your niche is, make your first blog post on the most general niche topic. 

For example, my blog is about content writing, SEO, and blogging. So, my first blog post was “How to learn content writing.”

Why it works?

Your first blog post becomes a pillar page for all your future posts. It ties all the content together and helps the reader navigate from one point to another.

Think of it this way: When a first-time searcher searches for your niche, the queries they’d search for will be the most apparent burning questions for that niche. And you make sure they get the solution from your very first blog!

How to find the general niche topic?

Here’s what I suggest you do:

How to find the general niche topic for the first blog post?
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1. When selecting your niche, understand your audience

Simply put, there’s no blog without an audience. To write content aligning with your audience, you must first know who they are. After finalizing your niche, research who would want to search for it.For example, For the “DIY home decor” niche, the audience would be homeowners and renters who don’t want to spend on new furniture, budget-conscious people, parents, or creative people. 

2. Do keyword research to find every topic/question your audience can search for

Think like your audience to find what they’d search for. For the DIY niche, people search for how to build a DIY wardrobe, which materials are suitable, how to match materials with the wall paint, etc. 

Now, DIY wardrobe is your one topic. Find every topic you can for your niche with keyword research.

3. Create categories and find the topic you can use for the first blog post

Not all your keywords will be related. Create different categories based on the topic they fall under. 
For example, You can create categories for DIY wardrobes, DIY kitchen counters, etc.

Now you know what your blog content would look like. Pick a general topic that can become a pillar for others. For the DIY niche, the topic can be “DIY Furniture” itself. 

Such topics also help you map your content calendar effectively. They also help in SEO practices like internal linking.

How to structure the introduction/first blog post?

A good and well-defined structure is half the work done. It does all the heavy lifting when writing a blog post. Here’s how to start structuring your blog post:

  1. Analyze the SERP

I always say: “Use the SERP to rank on the SERP.” 

Google your keyword and analyze the top 10 ranking pages. Go right from the titles to the headers they used, images or other visuals, content length, and their approach. 

Since they’re ranking, they must have done something right. Figure out what that is and use it in your content. 

  1. Find the search intent

Again, the top-ranking articles help you understand whether your keyword matches the search intent. 

Only using a target keyword won’t do. What’s the point if your audience doesn’t get what they’re looking for in your blog?

The search intent for the keyword “content writing courses” is commercial. Your reader doesn’t want to get educated about content writing. They want a review of the top courses.

Writing an article about “what is content writing” won’t give you a ranking. 

On the other hand, the keyword “Content writing” is intended to help them learn what content writing is. 

Your article should also focus on the informative search intent. 

I loved how Ben Goodey explained the search intent in his LinkedIn post

LinkedIn Post by Ben Goodey
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  1. Do content gap analysis/competitor research

Even the article ranked first might have something missing. There’s always room for improvement, and you can be the one to do it. 

Use tools like Ahrefs and Scalenut to do content gap analysis. Scalenut also helps you create a complete blog outline by comparing all the top-ranking pages so you don’t have to. 

Manually browsing each blog for its headers takes a lot of work. With Scalenut, it’s easy.

Select the article writer feature and enter your keyword. Scalenut provides you with complete research resources for the top 10 SERP results, keywords to use and their frequency, statistics used by the ranking articles, and the most asked questions on Google and discussion forums. 

Features of Scalenut for competitor analysis
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But if you don’t want to invest in a paid tool, use the Detailed SEO extension. It shows you the list of all headers used in a blog. So you save hours of going through each article manually. 

Download the extension. Open the blog and the extension, too. 

You get every detail—from the SEO overview to headers, links, images, schema, and more.

Detailed SEO Chrome extension for analyzing headers used by competitors
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Browse through the headings the ranking articles use. It becomes easier to craft your blog outline when you know what worked for the ranking articles.

Analysis of headers using Detailed SEO Chrome extension
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  1. Bring in a unique angle

Can you say something not said before? Do you have a different take on the existing content? Have you had a unique experience that makes the content richer? 

If yes, go all in and add it. That uniqueness can also become a part of your title. 

For example: When I Googled the difference between blogs and articles, I found that none of the blogs talked about the SEO angle of each content form. 

I found the gap to cash on, and I did. I added a header to discuss how SEO practices differ or are the same for blogs and articles. 

There’s always something new you can bring. Think about it, and you’re golden.

  1. Google knows a lot. Use it. 

There’s much more to explore on Google besides SERP. Use Google autocomplete, People Also Ask, and Related searches to write your headers and Frequently Asked Questions. That’s what the audience is looking for. Add that and make your blog outline a guarantee to get ranked.

Learn SEO

Did you think I’d write this article without talking about SEO

If content is the driver, SEO is the vehicle. An unoptimized blog can hardly rank, even if the content is exceptional. 

Learn SEO optimization techniques. Understand how to use keywords naturally in your content, meta tags, and headings to enhance visibility. 

Craft compelling meta descriptions that entice clicks, and use descriptive alt text for images. 

Balancing engaging content with search engine optimization ensures that your blog posts capture attention and rank well in search results, expanding your reach to a broader audience.

Elements of a blog post

No matter what format you use for a blog post, these X elements remain the same. They’re the secret sauce of making your blog post a hit. 

Title without clickbait

Your blog title is the gateway to a journey the audience will take or refuse. Make the title engaging and enticing and promise the reader value right in the title. Add a unique angle to the title, as discussed earlier in the article. 

Introductions without any fluff

Many blogs start with unnecessarily stretched introductions that lead to nothing. Don’t be one of them. Use a simple introduction framework:

  • State the problem you’re going to address. 
  • Show what your solution is.
  • Highlight the promised result. 

A tip: Summarize the blog in the introduction. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to write the conclusion in the introduction. But tell what the blog is all about right in the beginning so the audience knows what they can expect. 

Feature image relevant to the topic

Choosing the ideal feature image for your blog article is similar to picking the perfect book cover. It establishes the mood and gives readers a picture of what’s to follow. 

Feature images that are brand-compliant also illustrate consistency.

Make sure the image is eye-catching and relevant to your subject. It can be an illustration or a self-clicked photograph. But make sure you use your own images, not the generic ones available on free websites. 

The meat of the blog (Body)

Like in the name, the body is the meat. It needs to be tasty, juicy, and appetizing. Don’t follow a killer title with an empty body. Make sure you give the audience what you promised. 

Incorporate storytelling whenever necessary. Add examples, statistics, and expert quotes to make a well-researched blog that leaves the audience with something valuable. 

Appropriate headers

Headers are the navigators that inform crawlers if your blog is worth ranking higher. Ensure the headers give the blog a neat flow and cover everything necessary. 


Imagine a blog with walls of text and no image to let you breathe. I’m sure you’ll give it one scroll and close it. Visuals not only make the blog easy to read but also help increase sharability and traffic.

Audiences share high-quality infographics, mind maps, videos, and self-created images on social media; these visuals also bring in backlinks. 

Like a well-connected network, your blog should seamlessly link to pertinent external and internal sources. 

Internal links help your viewers stay on your site longer by directing them to more insightful information within your blog. 

On the other hand, external links lend authority and more details. External links demonstrate that your work is thoroughly investigated and related to the broader discussion in your field. Maintaining a balance between the two ensures every connection enhances the reader’s experience. 

Ending with a bang and a CTA

Concluding your blog post is not just about wrapping it up; it’s your chance to leave a lasting impression.

Reiterate the key points and highlight the benefits you have offered. A compelling Call to Action (CTA) at the conclusion will encourage readers to take the next step. Lead your readers to the next action, whether subscribing to your newsletter, posting a comment, or seeing similar material. 

Rather than using generic CTAs, use Lead magnets. They think you can solve their problems more quickly, effectively, and easily when you offer them something.

Close with a bang, making sure readers take the spirit of your blog with them and leaving them informed, enthused, and ready for more.

I’ve written an article on types of blog posts to increase your site traffic. It will help you better understand and implement the blog post elements.

Tips for writing blog posts 

Write the first draft fast, edit slow

Remember, never fall in love with your first draft. That is, don’t spend much time tending it. Also, don’t even publish the first draft. 

Even the top writers have crappy first drafts. That’s how they’re supposed to be. 

Be a writer when working on the first draft. But immediately shift gears and embrace the editing process with a keen eye. Refine sentences, polish your language, and ensure your message is crystal clear.

Publish first, then edit again

Don’t allow the need for perfection to get in the way of your publishing. After completing the initial edits, publish your blog with confidence. 

One of the most important parts of writing is getting your work out there. 

Once your post is live, come back to it with new insights. The data you gather after publishing can better pinpoint where changes or tweaks are needed. 

With this iterative process, you can be sure that your blog article will change and eventually connect with your readers even more.

Create and use templates

Create templates for different blog post formats to speed up your writing process. 

Templates provide an organized framework, directing your ideas and ensuring consistency throughout your work. 

Whether you’re writing a product review or a how-to guide, having a template on hand can ensure a uniform writing style and save you time. 

You can customize these templates to fit your own style and the demands of each blog article.

Create a system to write and post 

Develop an organized strategy for your writing and publishing schedule. Establish specific times for drafting, editing, publishing, and brainstorming. 

Use tools to increase productivity, set reasonable goals, and meet deadlines. Don’t go overboard. If you don’t have time, even 4 blogs a month is enough to fetch quality traffic than 15 rushed blogs. 

A structure in place, whether a straightforward to-do list, task management software, or content calendar, helps you stay focused and organized to produce high-quality blog entries consistently.

Tools for writing blog posts 

Grammarly: Use it at the last editing stage (proofreading) to ensure no grammatical errors. 

Hemingway Editor: Online writing should have at most grade 7 of reading. The Hemingway editor ensures your blogs have a 7 or lower reading grade. 

CanvaPro: You need to use unique images to increase sharability and backlinks. CanvaPro makes it easy to create your own images in no time with its ready-to-use templates. It’s also compatible with creating branding that is consistent with your website tone. 

WordTune: Sometimes mistakes escape the eyes of even a skilled editor. A little help from AI comes in handy at such times. WordTune is an excellent tool for making those final edits that polish the content further. You can shorten lengthy sentences, rewrite the parts that seem off, and expand on ideas.

GPTZero: If you’re quoting someone for the blog and fear that they shared AI-generated content, GPTZero helps you find out the percentage of AI-written content present. Though it doesn’t give an exact number, the approximation is enough to gauge the AI/human ratio in the content.

Quetext: You can’t go wrong with finding plagiarism with Quetext. No serious writer would intentionally plagiarize someone’s content. But you can’t be too careful, right? It’s better to check your final draft for plagiarized content and eliminate any chances of getting penalized. 

How to Promote your first blog post? 

Publishing a blog isn’t enough. Content marketing efforts also depend on how you promote your blogs.

1. On social media: Create a blog blurb and post it with the blog link on your social media accounts. Make sure you use a format specific to each platform. 

While a written post works on Twitter (now X), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn can use the featured image and text. 

Your existing followers are a good boost for your blog’s initial spike in traffic. 

2. On online forums/groups: It’s important you answer questions related to your niche on online forums like Quora and Reddit. It gives you an edge when you promote your blogs there. As you’ve already built credibility through your contributions, the readers are more inclined to visit your blogs.

Another way is to stay active on niche slack groups. By regularly engaging with peers, you can easily promote your blog and even collaborate with other experts. 

3. Through email newsletters: Another easy way to tap into your existing audience is through newsletters. Send the blurb and article link with each edition or create a separate email broadcast to announce the newly published blogs. Your subscribers help set the momentum for the initial blog traffic. 

| Suggested reading: Comprehensive guide for blog rebranding


Your first blog post is your audience’s first impression of you. It’s what sets the tone for the entire blog. Cash on it by making it a pillar page for your niche. 

Before you write your first blog post, create a content calendar for at least a month. Learn SEO and nail the content quality. 

Finally, don’t sweat it much and publish it. You can always edit it later. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I find a general niche topic for my first blog post?

Understand your audience by researching who would be interested in your niche. Conduct keyword research to identify topics and questions your audience might search for. Create categories based on these topics and select a general one that can serve as a pillar for your content.

2. Why is SEO important for blog posts?

SEO is crucial for ranking in search engines and increasing visibility. Learn SEO optimization techniques to use keywords naturally in your content, meta tags, and headings. Craft compelling meta descriptions, and balance engaging content with search engine optimization for better rankings.

3. Any tips for writing effective blog posts?

Write the first draft quickly, but edit slowly. Publish first and then edit again based on new insights. Create and use templates for different blog post formats, and establish an organized system for writing and publishing. Quality is more important than quantity, so consistently produce high-quality content.

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